Thursday, January 30, 2020


Free Trade In Society Essay How does the society benefit from an economy built on free trade where both the labor and the buyer only seek personal gain?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On an economy that is built of free trade, society will run like clockwork because of the various incentives that the various sectors of the economy provide.   It is human nature for individual to act upon incentives.   Children are commonly disciplined by their parents with the use of incentives. It is the same in the case of the laborer and the buyer.    Both of them seek only personal gain.   It is highly uncommon that either buyer or laborer will act for the greater good of the nation or for world peace.   They work because they want to earn a living.   They want a nicer car, a bigger home, a good education for their children, and a trip abroad for the summer perhaps.   All their efforts are targeted to their personal goals, all of which is quantifiable in terms of money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The laborer will always look for a place where there is a higher monetary yield for a lesser amount of work.   He will work harder if he knows that there is a promotion ahead. The buyer, on the other hand, will always search for a good bargain for any of his purchases.   All in all, everyone wants more for their money and time.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Society benefits from this system because it creates more competition in the markets of both buyers and laborers, resulting in more options and better options for both sectors.   With this equilibrium, society benefits because the economy benefits, thus increasing the standard of living. If however, there is an oversupply of labor, wages will go down and unemployment will go up, distorting the balance.   This is the same for buyers. A lack in competition will increase prices and decrease their purchasing power.   It is therefore necessary to maintain a good equilibrium in both labor markets and buyer markets which will result in a better economy, and which will eventually result in a higher standard of living for society.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Adam Taliaferro - An Inspirational Football Player :: Personal Narratives

Adam Taliaferro - An Inspirational Football Player I’ve known Adam Taliaferro for almost two and a half years. I knew him before his horrific injury suffered at Ohio State. I knew him throughout his rigorous rehabilitation routine at Magee Rehabilitation Hospital in Philadelphia. I know him today, continuing to rehabilitate and inspire countless individuals through their daily struggles. Remarkably, throughout those two and a half years, he has remained unchanged. Obviously, there are physical differences. He is no longer able to perform the unbelievable athletic feats he was able to perform prior to our freshmen with the Penn State football team. No longer will his five foot ten inch frame be able to goal tend shots in the IM building. Physically, he is not able to deliver a crushing hit on Eric Mcoo on a blitz in one of our preseason scrimmages. However, when it comes to who we really are, our personalities, demeanor, and mannerisms, Adam Taliaferro has remained unchanged throughout his injury. He remains the lighthearted, s pontaneous, and outgoing kid from "The Jers". September 23, 2000 remains for me, one of the days of my life I will always remember. As a redshirt freshman, I remained home while the team, and Adam traveled to Ohio State for an afternoon game. It was the obvious fear conveyed through a television set that remains engrained into my memory. Knowing Adam, my roommate and I were able to see through his motionless the utter fear he was experiencing lying on that field. His recovery would be slow and painful. The other redshirt freshmen and I spent the rest of the season traveling to Magee Rehabilitation Center in Philadelphia during away games to visit Adam and his family. Each week improvement was seen. From the first visit when nurses came often to change the position of his legs because he was unable to do so, to the first finger movement he experienced, to the first leg movement, and eventually, to seeing Adam stand, he remained unchanged. He was still upbeat, constantly making fun of himself and his newfound uncoordination. He fl irted with the nurses and bonded with his roommate. He was still Adam. I know there have been dark moments for Adam throughout his rehabilitation. There must have been moments when he questioned his own ability to overcome this situation. However, he never allowed any of his friends to see these moments because to us, that wouldn’t be the Adam we’ve come to know.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 4 M1

The nature vs nurture debate has been around for many centuries which argues about the role for heredity and environment in human development. Theorists in the past have argued that all humans are born with instincts which we have in life although other theorists have argued that the way we have been brought up, environment, culture around us are influential in what defines our personality traits and characteristics an example of nature vs nurture debate is the gay gene.The nature side of the debate is that gay is heritable a theorist named George Howt had claimed in 1998 that â€Å"being. Gay is in are genes† even though this has not been proven it could be possible that being gay is normal difference which can occur in human nature. The nurture side of the debate is that are sexual orientation is impacted by our environment the theorist who support the nurture side of this debate claim the environment factors involved with our up bringing decide out sexual preference these f actors could be friends, culture and friends.Another example of nature vs nurture debate is the twins studies which argues about how much of a twin personality is controlled by are genes and how much by are environment. The nature side to thE debate is that either that twins are grown up far away from each other or together have the same personality, behavior and preferences. If grown apart from each other nurture will not have much of a big impact on the twins to have them change their characterize this would prove that nature when it comes to twins is more dominant. Level 3 Health and Social Care Unit 4 M1 The nature vs nurture debate has been around for many centuries which argues about the role for heredity and environment in human development. Theorists in the past have argued that all humans are born with instincts which we have in life although other theorists have argued that the way we have been brought up, environment, culture around us are influential in what defines our personality traits and characteristics an example of nature vs nurture debate is the gay gene.The nature side of the debate is that gay is heritable a theorist named George Howt had claimed in 1998 that â€Å"being. Gay is in are genes† even though this has not been proven it could be possible that being gay is normal difference which can occur in human nature. The nurture side of the debate is that are sexual orientation is impacted by our environment the theorist who support the nurture side of this debate claim the environment factors involved with our up bringing decide out sexual preference these f actors could be friends, culture and friends.Another example of nature vs nurture debate is the twins studies which argues about how much of a twin personality is controlled by are genes and how much by are environment. The nature side to thE debate is that either that twins are grown up far away from each other or together have the same personality, behavior and preferences. If grown apart from each other nurture will not have much of a big impact on the twins to have them change their characterize this would prove that nature when it comes to twins is more dominant.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Italian Verbs Invitare Conjugations

invitare: to invite; urge; ask, induce Regular  firt-conjugation Italian verbTransitive verb (takes a  direct object) Indicative/Indicativo Presente io invito tu inviti lui, lei, Lei invita noi invitiamo voi invitate loro, Loro invitano Imperfetto io invitavo tu invitavi lui, lei, Lei invitava noi invitavamo voi invitavate loro, Loro invitavano Passato Remoto io invitai tu invitasti lui, lei, Lei invit noi invitammo voi invitaste loro, Loro invitarono Futuro Semplice io inviter tu inviterai lui, lei, Lei inviter noi inviteremo voi inviterete loro, Loro inviteranno Passato Prossimo io ho invitato tu hai invitato lui, lei, Lei ha invitato noi abbiamo invitato voi avete invitato loro, Loro hanno invitato Trapassato Prossimo io avevo invitato tu avevi invitato lui, lei, Lei aveva invitato noi avevamo invitato voi avevate invitato loro, Loro avevano invitato Trapassato Remoto io ebbi invitato tu avesti invitato lui, lei, Lei ebbe invitato noi avemmo invitato voi aveste invitato loro, Loro ebbero invitato Future Anteriore io avr invitato tu avrai invitato lui, lei, Lei avr invitato noi avremo invitato voi avrete invitato loro, Loro avranno invitato Subjunctive/Congiuntivo Presente io inviti tu inviti lui, lei, Lei inviti noi invitiamo voi invitiate loro, Loro invitino Imperfetto io invitassi tu invitassi lui, lei, Lei invitasse noi invitassimo voi invitaste loro, Loro invitassero Passato io abbia invitato tu abbia invitato lui, lei, Lei abbia invitato noi abbiamo invitato voi abbiate invitato loro, Loro abbiano invitato Trapassato io avessi invitato tu avessi invitato lui, lei, Lei avesse invitato noi avessimo invitato voi aveste invitato loro, Loro avessero invitato Conditonal/Condizionale Presente io inviterei tu inviteresti lui, lei, Lei inviterebbe noi inviteremmo voi invitereste loro, Loro inviterebbero Passato io avrei invitato tu avresti invitato lui, lei, Lei avrebbe invitato noi avremmo invitato voi avreste invitato loro, Loro avrebbero invitato Imperative/Imperativo Presente invita inviti invitiamo invitate invitino Infinitive/Infinito Presente invitare Passato avere invitato Participle/Participio Presente invitante Passato invitato Gerund/Gerundio Presente invitando Passato avendo invitato