Thursday, December 12, 2019

International Hotel and Resort Management

Question: Discuss about the International Hotel and Resort Management. Answer: Introduction Gender is one of the factors that affect operation of restaurant and hospitality industry. Masculinity and feminism are two main gender attributes that affect roles and responsibility of employees in restaurant industry. Masculinity in restaurant operation therefore refers to the extent to which the masculinity of employees affects the operation and management of restaurants and resort business. According to Frosh and Pattman (2002), masculinity and feminism is determined by the type of food prepared at the restaurant. The type of cooking either domestic or hotel determines domination of men over female. This implies that domestic cooking is totally left for feminine figure while restaurant food preparation is left for masculine figure. The cooking type has direct influence in gender equalities or gender inequalities. This creates differences between restaurant food and domestic food (Dowling, 2013). Feminism of work on the other side refers to the attribution of feminine figure to certain type of jobs or work done at the restaurant. According Watch (2002), some restaurants has associated women with categories of food and therefore, these types of food are not served by men. In addition, certain tasks are define by some culture as feminine task and are not done by male employees. On the other hand certain types of tasks are left for men and this makes male to dominate over female hence identity. This report critically evaluates the facts and discussion on masculinity of restaurant operation and feminism of work. Masculinity is form of identify that influences task done by men and women in an industry. Traditionally men have developed notion that men are effective in leadership as compared to female counterpart. Extent to which masculinity in operation and feminism of work is evident can be grouped into task, leadership, responsibility and role. Masculinity is key determinant of task done in various places and different industries. Masculinity is often attributed to strength and ability of meant o perform some task as compared to female. Firstly, hard or heavy task is normally assumed to part of male gender role in the society as compared to easy or light task. Difference in task determines the gender of employees allowed to perform such tasks. On the other hand, feminism is normally assumed to attribute to light task. Management therefore employs officials depending to the type job they are most likely to do in the organization. Gender identity nevertheless, is a factor that affects operation of industry (Civitello, 2008). Leadership of different organization is greatly influenced by gender. The influence of gender is evident in the traditional belief on the superiority of masculine gender as oppose to feminine. There is common notion of the good leadership abilities attributed to masculinity gender and male figure is branded with good results. This male superiority has left female with no option but to believe in their ability and strength. Feminism of work should consider the ability of women and strength to express their decision making. Management hierarchy has also put male gender at the apex of power while women are left at the lower managerial roles (Parkin, 2001). Masculinity of operation and feminism of work is also clear in the responsibility of different gender in the society. Some responsibility such as breadwinning has been attributed to masculinity and food preparation has been attributed to feminism. This implies that according to some cultures male individual has the responsibility of looking for food while domestic food preparation is left for females. This is critically important in the current society where there is advocacy for gender equality and change of responsibility. According to Symons (2000), it is quite important to allow each gender take up any responsibility without limitations. Roles played by masculine and feminine figures in the society differ significantly. According to Dowling (2013), masculinity has been believed to play an important role as compared to their female counterpart that play relatively low role. The belief in central role of masculinity is demonstrated by the responsibility of masculinity to be breadwinning as compared to feminism that is left with home caring role. This makes the masculinity dominate the feminism in their role they play and their importance in the society. Role of masculinity in gender equality Research conducted by Ging (2005) shows that masculinity and feminism plays a critical role in the gender equality. There are different studies that are being conducted aiming at crating gender equality between male and female. For instances, EU conducted conference to educate men their importance in taking roles of women home caring. In contrast, it is widely believed that gender equality is attributed to advocacy of women to promote gender equality with men. Furthermore, many groups has come up to address challenges affecting masculinity such as early school leaving and literacy. Similarly, Frosh and Pattman (2002) argues that policies regarding gender equalities need to be conducted in line with both masculinity and feminism. Finally, there is need for balance gender equality advocacy between masculinity and feminism. Tibbals (2013) indicates that roles of masculinity are changing as compared to historical roles. The historical role of men has over the past decades changed from bread wining to caring role. The changing role of masculinity is creating masculinity dominance among industries. Men are slowly taking feminism works such as home caring and care giving practices differentiating the gender hierarchy that was initially believed to affect society responsibility. Similar research conducted by Civitello (2008) shows that traditionally some chores has been called unmanly though men are dominating such chores. Dominant masculinity model further explains that dominance of male in feminism work gives benefits to men themselves and not to women. Men and women differ significantly in mental ability, background and physical abilities. As Garcia (2006) cites, the diversity that exist between male and female gender play a critical role in masculinity of operation and feminism of work. Certain type of men does not consider doing feminism task as demoralize as compared to other type of men. Shifting of role among men and women is largely attributed to individuals background. On the other hand, Doherty and Kartalova (2010), shows that high mental ability and physical ability of some women allow them to compete favorably on masculine task. This is based on the beliefs of individual on achieving good result whether male or female. Some traditional male in contrast believe in masculinity of task and therefore avoid feminism work. This is widely connected to the inequality notion that exists between male and female gender in the society. Education as determinant of masculinity and feminism of work There is significant shift in education as determinant of masculinity and feminism of work. Initially, many focuses were towards encouraging women education as compared to men. However, a lot of attention are recently made towards elimination of underachievement of men is education sector. Educational efforts are made to assist either male or female students to achieve higher academic qualification so outcompete each other in the society. Study done by Dolby and Dimitriadis (2004), shows that in the recent years education has been viewed as the solution for elimination of male domination in the work place and to increase feminism of work. Billig (2005) also presents contrary view on education as determinant of gender equality between men and women. It indicates that education serves to create equality and competency as employment. Furthermore, advocating for education of particular gender only increase individuals work competency and does not create masculinity of work or feminism of work. Finally, Connel (2005), conclude by saying that different genders are often alienated towards a particular task than other gender. Masculinity employment is viewed as the source of power and identity of men as contrary to women whose identity is define by their ability to offer sufficient care. Rubenstein and McEwan (2010) confirms the idea of gender equality at work by presenting the possibility of declining employment rate among men and increasing employment rate among women. Other research suggests that male domination at work has lead to male crisis that is heavily impacted by economic crisis. Liberti (2013) therefore notes that masculinity of work and operation in manufacturing industries is no longer practical leading to employment of female to equalize the gender. In addition, declining employment rate among masculinity has decrease beliefs that men are the sole breadwinning figure in the society. Consequently, there is fears that there will be feminism of all work done in every sector of economy. Masculinity of management has over the years undermined the ability of women to lead in organizations. According to Courtenany (2010), study conducted on the gender roles in management express the changes in middle management among different genders. Statistic shows that several company across Europe has board of management dominated by men a role that slowly shifting. However, many countries are in path to implement gender equality laws to decrease masculinity of management and equalize gender. In countries such as Norway either of the two gender should represents 40% of the total management board. There is need to therefore put in place laws that determines promotional equalities to reduce masculinity of work and feminism of work. Fahey (2007) summarizes the issue of masculinity at work by indicating that there is need for in-work balance of both genders in all economic sectors. Masculinity and feminism of family or household care Bourdieu (2001) explains the increase involvement of men in family and household care in contrast to the initial notion that household care is feminism responsibility. Household care responsibility such as cooking has been widely believed to be feminism. Contrarily, increase in employment rate among women and decrease in employment rate among men has left many men with no option but to change their family care role. Study conducted by Frosh and Pattman (2002) shows that in the contemporary Australia, men are increasingly involved in care services in hospitality industry as compared to pas years. In addition, most of feminism task of care are no longer feminism hence have been masculine. Masculinity and feminism of work mostly in restaurant or hospitality industry has been matter of debate since time in memorial. Differentiation of task has been in line of gender as compared to abilities. Restaurant industry offers the best arena for dereferences in gender role since the restaurant industry combines both feminism and masculine works. Historically, the masculinity of restaurant operation has been influenced by traditional cultural beliefs such as superiority of male gender. On the other hand, contemporary gender different is reduced by promotion of gender equalities. The following are the historical and contemporary masculinity and feminism of work in restaurant operations (Liberti, 2013). Historical masculinity of restaurant operations and feminism of work. It is important to note that historically masculinity of restaurant operation was controlled by wider belief in male domination. In contrast, some restaurant operations such as food predations were believed to be feminism task (Symons, 2000). Consequently, serving food was feminism task hence no male employees could be employed in restaurant food serving section. In some cultures, traditional foods were purely left for women as compared to male who were involved in heavy task that requires masculinity. Similarly, management of restaurants were masculine role as majority of men historically believe in masculinity of leadership and good results (Foucault, 1978). Feminism of work historically allows women to dominate catering and service tasks in restaurant industry. Task such as cooking and serving customers are believed to be feminism as these tasks are considered light and does not require masculinity to perform. According to Cockburn (1998), women were culturally exempted from management roles and were rarely promoted based on merit. However, restaurants tasks such as security and heavy tasks were literary male dominance. This allows male In the contemporary restaurant industry, there is continuous promotion of gender equality. This implies that task that female dominance such as cooking are currently male dominated and likewise on male dominating tasks. Gender equality laws for countries such as Australia that are implementing gender laws require that there is equal job opportunity for both male and female genders. For instance, restaurants need to employ both male and female employees in catering departments on merit basis. According to Tibbals (2013), contemporary restaurants have reduced the employment rate for male gender making masculinity of management difficult. In addition, role of male employee in restaurant industry has shifted from heavy task to light feminism task. Promotion of gender equality has made feminism to gain advantage over masculinity. The advantage of feminism is due to the fact that females are of larger percentage as compared to their male counterparts. Women can therefore comfortably compete with men for employment opportunity available in restaurant industries. Similarly, male gender is shifting their role from traditional breadwinning to contemporary care giving. Another research conducted by McMahon, (2013) indicates that currently there is increasing feminism of work due to the increase in population of women seeking employment in the restaurant industry. Finally, the current population of men is lower than the population of women and this has adverse effect on the employment and competition for work. Contrasting arguments on masculinity of restaurant operation and feminism of work Masculinity of restaurant operation is based on the popular belief on the male dominating employment sectors while the fact remains that domination between masculinity and feminism remain a matter of contention. Many studies have suggested that restaurant has experience masculinity of operations for a long period of time. Male domination in restaurant industry can still be debated since restaurant operation was previously believed to be feminism. This is based on the traditional beliefs that food and food industry is feminism. Feminism of restaurant work is long forgotten due to the contemporary involvement and masculinity of restaurant tasks. Similarly, Somalia Government Office (2013) concludes that from the argument a line can be drawn between feminism and masculinity of restaurant work. Gender equality on the masculine direction encourages men to take feminism works to raise the gender balance due to low number of men in such works. There are different organizational conferences that have been called to discuss the gender equalities favoring male gender. Some other organization has carried out research on ways to improve male domination in restaurants industry. Their point of argument is that men are under favored in employment and therefore there is need to fight for male rights. The only part that is not put to consideration on this argument is the masculinity of restaurant management that is currently hold be men majorly. Feminism of work on the other hand has been evident in shift of work done by masculine such restaurant security as many women are currently recruited in restaurant security. According to Central Statistics Office (2011), many laws are still enacted to favor feminism of work around the globe. In Australia for example, is struggling to implement gender equality role where most of emphasis is on reduction of male domination. It is quite contrasting to favour female figure yet they are the majority in terms of population. These arguments still lack ground in some countries mostly European nations where population of men to women in hospitality industry management is 9:1. Therefore, men are dominating management and the feminism of work is need. Bloom (2013) concludes that more emphasis needs to put on feminism of restaurant operation so as to increase female employees in management of restaurant industry. Personally there is need to favor feminism of work in restaurants operation since there is clear evidence that masculinity of operation has been more than feminism of work. My point of argument is based on the fact that since the shift in care giving role of men, restaurant has been purely dominated by men than female. This does not contradict similar research conducted by UNDP (2011) that supported this argument. Even though much effort has been put to strengthen women, such efforts are opposed by the male counterpart who argues that female is the dominance gender in restaurant sector. I therefore recommends that there is need to implement gender equality laws that encourage women to take employment in restaurants. In addition, care giving and food preparation is considered by many cultures as unmanly. This implies that women are traditionally fit to prepare food are serve to customers in restaurants. Heavy tasks in manufacturing industries that were initially dominated by male gender need to change policies to allow more female recruitment. To further increase female participation in the restaurant operation considering the ability of women in leadership should be used to involve women in management (Euro-barometer, 2010). In contemporary restaurant industry, education is equally provided to both male and female gender. This contrast many theories that set ground that more men are educated than women. To ensure no education disparities similar education or courses should be offered to both girls and boys to give them equal opportunity of employment. Notion of masculinity superiority need to be forgotten to allow female also to excise their mental abilities and capabilities in performing tasks. Conclusion In conclusion, masculinity of restaurant operation and feminism of work has draw much attention leading to challenges in management of restaurants. The debate is based in two factors traditional beliefs and contemporary gender equalities. Traditionally and historically it is believed that restaurant tasks such as food preparation and serving of food is feminism. Men were breadwinners while female were care givers. The contemporary hospitality and restaurant management preset a different argument since there is shift in roles with women taking male role and men taking feminine roles. The contrasting argument is set by both gender in favor of each side yet not based on the fact on the ground. Critically statistical figures speak of male domination in hotel industry as compared to female. Therefore, there is need to focus on empowering feminism to equalize gender. References Billig, M. (2005), Laughter and Ridicule: Towards a social critique of humour. Sage Publications Bloom, A. (10 May 2013), Why can't a woman be more like a man? And vice versa. (Uncommon Sense). O, The Oprah Magazine Oct. 2002: 113+. General OneFile. Bourdieu, P. (2001), Masculine Domination, (trans. Nice) Polity Press Civitello, L. 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